




Well...was wrong about the HVAC...apparently that was for another house. But we took our friend Scott to see it. Scott came to visit and slightly torture himself by running 35 miles in the mountains...straight up. So we were able to go in Friday night and check on things...all the wiring and electrical is in. Can lights and fan braces are installed as well as the cable and internet wires. The fireplace is also in as well. Moving along. Ella Kate was very enthusiastic that her poo fan was installed.



This was a drive-by earlier in the week. The columns have the stone veneer and railings are up. I can't tell you how excited I am to get in this place. The apartment is fine and all, but we need more room and I am tired of boxes...I have been looking at boxes since January. I am also tired of paying $$$ to keep those boxes in storage. I just want everything to be finalized!


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