For the record, Ella Kate started kindergarten August 2013 and Addison started two year old class in preschool.
Thursday before we started school, we had Addison's meet and greet...and Ella Kate's ice cream social, at the same time. I was distraught because I hate missing out on either one of their activities. But, it was decided that Michael would go with Addison and I with Ella Kate. We went to Mezcal beforehand and went our separate ways. I don't have any pictures from Addison's because Michael doesn't take any. But I have a couple from Ella Kate's.
Here is Ella Kate pre Mezcal and ice cream social.
Both, and yes, they like to wear the same things.
Addison pre Mezcal and meet and greet.
Had to throw this one in was playing in the background and then the Black Eye Peas came on...the Boom Boom song, and she broke it down. This is also the theme song on the way to school...they get super pumped up.
Eller's at her first school function. We joined the pta and in return we got to go to the ice cream social where we found out who her teacher was before other kids who did not join the pta. Ella Kate was so excited.
We learned that she was in the Lion bunch and that her teacher's name is Mrs. Shedd. That spot were she is sitting is where she also met her first school friend, Whitney. We have had a couple of playdates together and they seem to like each other!
We also learned her stagger day. Kindergarteners only go one day the first week and they only have about 5 kids in the class so it isn't overwhelming and they get a glimpse of everything. Her first day was Tuesday, August 6th.
Addison went full out on her schedule. She goes three days a week, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.
Addison's first day in the Silly Snail class.
Addison of course screamed when I gave her to her teachers. As soon as she gets her snack she calms down. Bunny also went in with her. Ella Kate was with me when we dropped her off. I took her by her old class and she hugged on her teachers. It was definitely weird having just Ella Kate with me that day. We went and ran some big girl errands and ate lunch and came back to get Addison. I checked her bag and she went through all her backup clothes. Apparently she didn't want to tell her teachers when she had to go to the bathroom. But they said she had a good day though. Her hair was in ringlets because they had gone outside. She also wants to carry her backpack and her lunch box, which is super funny because her backpack is bigger than she is. She cries if I try and take anything from her.
She is now two weeks into school and they have the potty training down minus the poo. She won't tell them that either. But we are working on it. She had a couple of accidents at home too. I am thinking since we have a new routine, this is her way of saying she is still in control? But, I have been bribing her with peppermint patties...and it is working. So I gave the teachers a bag and told them what I do. She LOVES peppermint do I, since I bought them for myself. So hopefully that will work itself out and she will poo in the potty like she does at home. I started to feel bad about it and I kept apologizing, but they understand..she's two...she will get it figured out. Ella Kate did!
I really don't want her to bring bunny in with her, so we are working on that. Out of the 6 days she has been, it has been in half the time. She is to the point where she just walks right in with no tears...bonus.
Ringlets, big ole backpack, tiny Addison.
She is half the size of all the other kids, and out of the 10, only two are potty trained. Yay me. Winning.
One thing she isn't excited loosing about an hour of nap time. During the summer she would rock a 3-4 afternoon nap. With Ella Kate in real school, I have to shave an hour off. She wakes up all disorientated and grumpy. I hand her a snack and throw her in the car to go get Kate. (Addison calls her Kate)
On to Ella Kate...
I wake her up at 6:15, make bed, brush teeth, flat iron hair, eat breakfast, make lunches, get all the gear together. The week before school started she picked out her first day outfit:
Isn't she amazing! I can't believe the time has come!
Her little self, she is so beautiful! I am so proud of her and I really love being her mama!
Anyways. I drove her to school and walked her to her class and we got her situated. I keep telling her that if she doesn't know what she is suppose to be doing, or where she is suppose to be, to always ask for help. She usually cries, so we are working on that. I gave her a big hug and our handshake which is a fist bump, blowup, into high five told her I loved her and we went to leave. No tears from either one of us. On the other hand, Addison lost it. She screamed and cried louder than I have ever heard from her. She was so upset that we left Kate. I had never really given it much thought that this would affect her. So I was almost running to get her out of the school because she was so loud and I didn't want her to freak out any kids who were on the edge of doing the same thing. I got Addison in the car and we went to Kroger and she kept screaming Kaaaate Kaaaate and it made me upset and I shed maybe one or two tears over the fact that those two love each other so much...and that this was the first time they were separated. Poor kids. They'll get over it.
I took Addison home and we had to wait because her school starts at 9:00. I dropped her off and went back home to work. Addison isn't going to be napping at school because she will sleep harder at home and she can also sleep about 30 minutes longer at home. I pick Addison up at 12:15 and put her to bed. At 2:25 I leave to go sit in the car rider line which gets huge past 2:35. We are usually home by 3:10. We live less than a 1/4 mile from the school. So we got Kate and Addison cheered and we asked how it went and she said she LOVED it. One of the first things she said to me was "Mom, you were right, they did take my lunch because I didn't finish it." I said told you so. Ella Kate is a slooooow eater and I kept telling her that they will make her put it up finished or not. So she has worked on that and is eating faster.
Standing in front of her name, which was wrong, but is now fixed. Addison had to get in too.
But she had a ball and said she couldn't wait to go back.
The following week, which was this week, was all week, all kids. Monday was not a good day. I explained to her that all the kids would be there and she was going all week. She seemed fine with that. We walked into school and she went into the class and I could tell that it wasn't going to be good. Most of the kids were there and she just didn't know what to do. I helped her find her hook and her chair and I sat her down and we said our goodbyes and I walked away and I turned back for one more air kiss and there she was, tears all over. She ran over and said "Mom, please take me with you, I just miss you so much and I don't want you to go." I said baby, you have to stay, you know I love you so much and I will always be with you here or not. You are safe, just remember to ask your teacher if you feel lost or need guidance, they are here to help you. I had to practically peel her off of me and push her into the room. Luckily Whitney was witnessing all of this and she hugged Ella Kate and took her hand and she went in. Thank you lord for little Whitney. I waved again and said "Smile" and she gave me a little sad grin. So I was worried the rest of the day. I picked her up and she said her day was better, she just wished she could stay with me more. I guess I am doing something right!
She is over that, everyday when we say goodbye I always tell her to not cry, but to ask for help...because crying gets you nowhere. She has had a great week of school and she has mentioned that some kids are getting sticks in their pockets (if they are bad) and she hasn't received any. They have music on Monday, gym on Tuesday, a repeat of one activity Wednesday, Art on Thursday, and Library Friday. So far she loves them all! This was also my last day to walk her into the school. Next Monday she has to get out of the car and walk by herself to her class. I know she can do it, I had her lead us in everyday. But, she has mentioned that she is nervous about doing that. I keep saying just ask for help.
But overall she likes it. It really hit home that she is going 5 days a week today. Friday has always been our fun day. The three of us would go shopping, hit up chick fil a, go to a park...anything because it wasn't crowded like it is on Saturdays. Those days are gone...just me and little A. Ella Kate also said that she doesn't like going all week, but I told her we didn't have a choice and that we would make up for lost time on the weekend. So tonight its Mezcal and movie night...probably some trampoline time too.
Addison waiting to go to school.
Friday night movie night!
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