



This Week.

Not a whole lot to report this week. Sunday Michael ran 30 miles and we had to go pick him up off the BRP. We got to meet some of his runner friends that he has met in NC. After that we came home and he showered and we left for Black Mountain. We went to the Take a Hike outdoor store that I mentioned earlier and saw two maps that we want to get for frames. I also got some kids hiking socks. All I have are winter smartwools, cause we normally go hiking in the fall and winter when you wear pants. Then we headed to the Trail Head restaurant which was great! After that we wanted to check out Pisgah Brewing, it was about a mile away so we went and shared a beer and headed home.

Fine dining on chicken tenders, fries, and mac and cheese.

Playing outside.

Monday was the usual...laundry etc. We didn't do much Tuesday and Wednesday...reading, working on abc's with Addison, math with EK. I can't get her bike tire to stay pumped so we haven't been able to ride her bike much. I am hoping we can fix that this weekend. We also did our grocery shopping which included a trip to petco to get Moonpie some food. They had free kittens...with about 5 black and white kitties. So cute! Anyway, we were hoping to be in the pool by 10:30, but we were in petco for about an hour looking at animals. I forgot how big of a trip that store is for them!

Petco animals

Today we went to the library and got some new books and there was also a Magic Show. The girls loved it and had a good time! After that we picked up Michael at work and headed to Sonic for lunch...today they have $1 hotdogs all day long!

Magic Show...EK and Addison, second row...Addison with a pony tail and the black and white tank.

I started back on the workouts Monday and today is the most sore I have been...lower half of me barely functioning. Tomorrow is actual leg work day and we are going hiking Saturday, so I should be in rare form. I will have to watch it next week, but usually after the first week and a half I am good to go. The big hike is next weekend, don't want to be too stiff when we do that. So far the weather is looking good...high of 79, with 25% chance of rain. I know that can change...and it will also be colder as we reach the summit as well. I spent some of my facebook $$ and bought a camelbak for hiking. We normally use our North Face backpacks for hiking, but they can be kinda bulky. The only water bottle I have is a hydroflask and those things get heavy, love the thing, but it weighs about 1 lb. full. So we are going to give it a while this weekend.

One of my workout partners, they get unruly in this tiny apartment and I have to tell them to go read. I wake up at 5:45 for the first one and then do the second while they are eating breakfast, they get finished and do this.

So not too many plans on the table for this weekend. We are going hiking, probably to a waterfall, Saturday. We haven't figured out what we want to do, it depends on Michael's run, if we pick him up or meet him.

Next Tuesday I am driving halfway to meet my mom and hand over the girls for a week. They are excited to see my parents for sure! They have been stuck with Michael and I for 3 weeks now! This Saturday marks a month in Asheville!

Oh we also went by the house as well, mostly painted, and the shakes are up for the most part.

It will be a cute little house!

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